This is custom UI of Minecraft game. Here you will see purple colour UI. It makes the game more beautiful. The background colour of the UI is black. Clicking on any button will turn that button purple. Purple color will have white outline around it. Changing the UI will not change the gameplay. It only changes the default UI of Minecraft game and makes this UI beautiful.
UI Profile
When you launch the UI, the lobby will look like what you see in the picture.ย First you will see the logo of MCPE ML.ย Then you will see some black buttons, which will turn purple when clicked.
When you click play button you will see world, friends, server UI changes. As before you will see some black buttons, which will turn purple when clicked.
When entering the game you will see the same background inside the inventory, and it will turn purple when clicked. The inventory block’s UI is kept as default.
Moreover, the heart UI has been changed. The heart UI appears purple. Apart from these changes, many other things have been changed. Which you can understand by playing. Moreover, we have provided videos through which you can understand about this UI.