This is the moon map of Minecraft game. Here you will see the moon. You have to survive on the moon. Earth texture is used in this map. The moon looks very beautiful.ย This map contains spacecraft and location towers.
Since this is a moon map, this map must have rockets. There are four rockets in total. Inside the rockets are several places where you can stay and climb up the stairs. There are stairs to climb up. But it is only a structure rocket, not a flying rocket. This map has flying rockets.
Location Tower
This map has location towers. There will be one tower and two location towers. Through these basically the information will come from the earth to the moon. The location tower is very important for the moon map and you can enter it if you want.
The most interesting object of the moon map is the satellite. There will be a total of three satellites and the satellites will be in flight. Satellites have space to live inside. But you have to use a flying rocket to get to the satellite. The satellite is located slightly above the lunar surface.
Here will be a NASA rover. This rover is huge. Although there is no accommodation inside it. They are mainly made for beauty.
Solar Panel
Since this is a moon map, solar panels have been added for energy. This makes the map realistic. There are many solar panels on this map. Solar panels don’t work though. It is mainly put here for beauty.
NASA Office
NASA Office will be here to control everything. Next to the NASA office is a rocket. It is understood that this rocket will be used in case of any danger. There are stairs to climb Rocket. The concept of communicating with Earth is shown inside a NASA office.
There will be two houses here. These houses have many facilities inside. For example, there will be chest box, rocket and farming areas. Here are some rockets and rovers added for beauty.
Rocket &ย Suit
Flying rocket and space suit have been added here to make this map realistic. With flying rocket you can fly very high but cannot go beyond Minecraft block limit. You will find this flying rocket in the moon house and it will be in the chest box. The space suit is made of iron. So to make this space suit anew, iron must be collected.
Luxury Rocket & Satellite
Rockets and satellites are added here to make the game more beautiful. Accommodation is also available on rockets and satellites. It is called Luxury Rocket and Satellite. There will be very large rooms. Besides, there will be lush caves and library.
Keep it up bro and i recommend make a force Shield mod for Minecraft So that if we get shot we don’t die