This is a Flat World Village Map and you can find some Enchanted Items in this Map Also you can find a lots of Blacksmith’s House, Some Pillager Outpost, lots of Village Towers, and Many other House This Minecraft map Mabe for Fun so Dawnload and Enjoy.
Enchanted Staff’s
Enchanted Diamond – Giving Enchantments For Making the Diamond more Powerful,
Sharpness 12
Fire Aspect X
Knockback II
Enchanted Shears – Giving Enchantments For Making the Shears more Efficient,
Unbreaking 16
Efficiency 16
Mending I
Enchanted Blaze Rodย – Giving Enchantments For Making the Blaze Rod more Interesting,
Fire Protection IV
Fire Aspect 16
Pillager Outpost
The Pillager Outpost Given for Making the map a little bit Harder.
Tree Forest
The Tree Forest Given in Middle of the Village for Making the Village Greenary and looks Cool.
Mini Village
The Mini Village Giving in a Seperate Area For Making Aesthetic.
Nice ๐